About – Non-FAC

Non-Featured Artist Coalition

I don’t really have anything against FAC nor against any of the organisations attempting to negotiate ‘better’ rights for their members. But, if there are members, then there are non-members. Of course, non-members can easily become ‘members’ simply by paying and therein lies the problem. As the great Groucho Marx says ‘I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member!’.

And therein lies the next problem. A club implies exclusivity but, in the case of organisations such as FAC, the bar is set very low i.e. ability to pay a fee. It is the modern condition that to achieve inclusivity and access  it pretty much comes down to some form of economics. Of course, if they went the other way towards exclusivity then they would have a real issue especially in deciding who can/cannot be a member. So what we now have is a members organisation, paid for by fees or subscriptions. Sounds like a union. But no one ‘voted’, so it seems self appointed. They need members to allow for collective bargaining at the table of IP rights and royalties and to lobby on behalf of their membership.

Anyway, as I’ve said, I’m not really against FAC, just interested in those who are not a part of the membership either because of economics or because of choice or, maybe, because you don’t feel a part of the ongoing debate.

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